Patient Participation Group


Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets to provide a forum for discussion about the practice.

Image of a patient group photo

About our Patient Group

Our Patient Group was formed on 2nd May 2018 after the previous PPG was dissolved. We hold meetings at Dr. Aru and Partners Surgery, located at the Lister Primary Care Centre.

Our Group is affiliated with the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP) through Southwark ICB. We strive to support and advocate for our patients' healthcare needs.

The aim of the PPG is to promote cooperation between the Practice and the Patients to the benefit of both. Membership is open to all patients of The Lister Primary Care Centre, at Lister Clinic Peckham.

Sign up to the patient group

Constitution and Terms of Reference

Title of the Group

The group will be called the Patient Participation Group of the Dr Aru and Partners Surgery, at Lister Primary Centre in Peckham.

The Group is affiliated to the National Association of Patient Participation (NAPP) through Southwark ICB.

Aims of the Group

The aim of the PPG is to promote co-operation between the Practice and the Patients to the benefit of both.


Membership is open to all patients of Dr Aru and Partners surgery, at Lister Clinic Peckham.

The Committee

  • Kevin Steward-Chairperson
  • Stephanie Lodge
  • Jim Lodge
  • David Cooper
  • Deborah Carr (Practice Manager)
  • Dr Wilson Onyeka (GP)
  • Serge Mangafu
  • Owen Mattis
  • Calvin Carter

All Committee Members are patients, unless otherwise stated.

A member of the surgery Admin team will attend, in absence of the Practice Manager.

Meetings of the Group

The business of the Group will be carried out at a formal meeting of the Committee.

Formal meetings take place bi-monthly and held at the surgery. Notice of meetings to be held will be advertised on notice boards, on screens in the waiting room and the surgery website. As the Group develops it will hold a General meeting (AGM) once a year.

The Group will also hold informal meetings as required to conduct the business of the PPG.

The Group will also participate in the Southwark the Southwark CCGs locality PPG work;

  • South Southwark Locality Patient Participation Group 
  • Southwark PPG Network 

Code of Conduct

  • All opinions will be respected.
  • Discrimination will not be tolerated.
  • All matters will be treated as confidential until the minutes of meetings are approved.
  • Formal meetings will be held in a purposeful, professional and timely manner.
  • Agenda items will be circulated one week prior to meetings, to allow Members to table additional items.
  • If any Member wishes to raise any items under Any Other Business he or she must declare them at the start of the meeting, and these will be discussed at the Chairpersons discretion or referred to the next meeting.
  • Forms collected from the Suggestions Boxes and patient survey results will be discussed as and when they arise.
  • Care Quality Commission Inspection feedback and reports will be discussed as and when they arise, and the Final Inspection report will be published on the Surgery website. 


The specific purposes of the PPG will be outlined in the Terms of Reference.

Any nominated officers of the PPG will serve for a term of Two years, subject to other patients wishing to take on these roles.

The PPG will facilitate discussion with the Practice and act as a ‘critical friend’ by offering an alternative perspective, input and feedback on decisions made by them.

The PPG will assist the Practice in developing provision of resources and services.

The PPG will strive to improve communication with and support for patients of the Practice.

Terms of Reference

The PPG will;

  1. Support: The PPG will support patients and staff and act as a critical friend to the Practice. We will share positive comments and concerns.
  2. Listen: We will listen to patients when they talk to us, and we will analyse and collate their comments from surveys and suggestion boxes in the surgery. We listen to staff and help where there are concerns. We listen to members of the wider community by inviting them to our meetings, and links with local groups and forums, e.g. Southwark ICB, Healthwatch, Voluntary organisations, other Health professional etc.
  3. Act: We will act on our findings, and help to make improvements within the scope of our role and capacity.
  4. Communicate: We tell patients about the survey results, and inform them of what changes may be made by staff as a consequence. We will inform patients about Health issues relevant to the business of the PPG, and pass on information from staff to patients where appropriate.
  5. Involve: Patients are welcome to come to our meetings and we try to increase membership and participation wherever possible. The PPG will work with the Practice to hold Health events relevant to patients.
  6. Interact: We will interact with other agencies. A member of the PPG will attend Southwark patient locality meetings.
  7. Evaluate: We will review what we do on an annual basis, and summarise this in a brief report for all patients to be placed on the Practice website. We will review our Constitution and terms of reference on an annual basis.
  8. Commit: The PPG makes a commitment to respect Practice and patient confidentiality at all times.

References: National Patients Association- guidance for PPGs (2015) ; Manor House Surgery Glossop and Hadfield, PPG (2016); Southwark CCG publication ‘ Patient Participation Groups (PPG) –Top tips for patient participation at your local GP surgery’ (2018).